We Are ReInspire

Our mission is Hope, Service, Connection for young people between the ages of 12-23 years of age. Youth coming from a childhood of disruption and discouragement are not equipped for adulthood– and lack the support system to move beyond the challenges they face.

ReInspire was established on August 3, 2017. We received our 501c3 status six months later. We serve the youth and young adults living within North Texas.

We provide a variety of services and programs to give our clients the tools, resources, and encouragement so they may achieve a stable and secure future.

A future all youth want.

A future all youth deserve.

We Serve

ReInspire serves youth and young adults who have experienced Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs). Research shows early exposure to trauma can have long term impact on a person’s physical, mental, and social well-being. Youth we serve come from foster care, homelessness, the juvenile justice system or other traumatic experiences that put them at higher risk for chronic unemployment, homelessness, and incarceration.

Eligibility is determined through our “ability to benefit” criteria. Program success is based on individual progress and growth. We serve ages 12-23. Specific programs may have additional guidelines due to funding constraints.

If you’d like to request services from ReInspire, please contact us at 817-330-9290.

We Offer

Teen & Young Adult Resource Center

In 2022, we opened the Teen & Young Adult Resource Center. We are located inside St. Mark United Methodist Church. The Resource Center provides space for individual and group meetings. We also offer positive social activities for teens 12-17 understanding safe, sober and positive socialization increases well-being and connection. Please visit the Resource Center Page for all the details.

Launch Pads

Launch Pads is a structured transitional housing program located in Johnson County, Texas, designed to help individuals build stability and independence. Participants commit to paying monthly rent and setting both personal and financial goals as part of their journey toward self-sufficiency. An On-Site Director conducts weekly check-ins to ensure accountability and progress, while monthly tenant-hosted dinners foster peer support and community building. The program spans 18 months to two years, allowing residents to move at their own pace while preparing for independent living upon graduation.

Strengthening Families

SFP is effective because it was specifically crafted to increase Protective Factors and reduce the Risk Factors that lead to both substance abuse and youth depression.

SFP teaches–and has parents and youth practice–skills involved in bonding (creating warm, loving relationships), setting clear, firm boundaries (rules against antisocial behavior, including drug and alcohol use), and monitoring their children’s emotional well-being and activities to see that they always stay in an alcohol and drug-free social environment.

Individual Supports

This is primarily our work with young people aged 17-23. The needs of this age group are often very specific and sometimes urgent. We do not have a set curriculum– but work together to set goals and develop an action plan to turn dreams to reality. Examples of this work include getting a driver’s license, job search, job retention, money management, filing taxes, and more.

Get Involved

ReInspire depends on the power of the community. We can’t do what we do without help from our community.


Employers work with us much in the way companies work with recruiters. Tell us your employee needs and we send you qualified candidates from our program. We continue to provide support to promote long-term success.

Mentors & Volunteers

Volunteers are always needed. ReInspire is growing and help is needed in a variety of areas. Please call us or complete the volunteer application here.

All volunteers working with youth on 1:1 basis must complete an interview, training class, and background check.


We are a 501c3 charitable organization and rely on donations, grants, and fundraisers to survive. Please consider a tax deductible donation or joining one of our fundraisers.

For more information about our organization, services, or contributions, please get in touch with the Executive Director at 817-330-9290.

Checks can be mailed to ReInspire PO Box 2792, Cleburne, TX 76033


For more information, please contact ReInspire using the form below.

    Our mailing address is listed below:

    ReInspire, PO Box 2792, Cleburne, TX 76033. You can reach our Executive Director by calling or texting 817-330-9290.